

December 3, 2021

Tooth crowding is a process that starts with the replacement of primary teeth in childhood. This process, the habits in the child and the characteristics that are genetically transferred to the child cause the formation of crowding in the teeth. This is a process that must be taken under control. This process can best be observed and followed by the child’s family.

If you have the slightest doubt about this, you should definitely check this process with a dentist and try to take some precautions that may affect this process before your child’s main teeth erupt. Some parents do not give much importance to these teeth during the milk teeth period and do not care (clean) them. This is due to a very wrong information or not being conscious enough about it. It is the forerunner of the teeth that will be driven instead of the milk teeth. In a way, they guide the teeth that will come back. The healthier these teeth are and if they are well taken care of, the healthier and more well-groomed they will be in the teeth that will replace them.

Tooth collisions that occur in children, that is, the fact that the teeth are not properly aligned, are a precursor to some problems in the future. To the question of what kind of situations may occur;

– Due to crooked teeth, food residues can easily enter this area and cannot be easily cleaned, which causes frequent decays,

– It causes pain in the gums, diseases and joint pain,

– Dental treatments cause a great financial burden and long-term treatments,

What are the causes of crooked teeth?

– Inability to take care of milk teeth with enough care: Not paying enough attention to milk teeth and seeing them as temporary teeth anyway.

– Nutritional disorders: Especially in children not getting enough nutrition and vitamin supplements, volumetric shrinkage in the jaw and face structure, and the teeth that cannot find enough space in their jaws begin to come out on top of each other.

– Mouth breathing of the child: Some ailments during childhood, nasal disorders, respiratory difficulties cause the child to breathe through the mouth and the lower jaw to settle forward with this habit. With the jaw positioned forward, the tongue pushes the front teeth and prevents the teeth from erupting correctly.

– Finger sucking habits: Newborn children have an excessive desire to suck. When this desire is not sufficiently met by the mother, it turns into the habit of thumb sucking in babies. This is the biggest cause of crooked teeth.

– False pacifiers: When dummy pacifiers are used excessively, they damage the tissues in the affected area and cause irregularities in these areas as well as mouth closing disorders.

– Lying position is important in children: The lying position in children is very important due to the position of the chin. Since the pressure on the chin will increase in a child lying face down, it may cause some structural disorders in the chin.

– Nail biting, pencil biting, lip biting habits: These habits will cause damage and crowding in the jaw and teeth.

– Irregularities due to problems in the gums and palate

– Early loss of milk teeth due to poor care and cavities

– Hormonal imbalances

– Genetically predisposed to crooked teeth

The irregularities we have mentioned above are the factors that can cause perplexity in the teeth. Your child will have more well-maintained, healthy teeth, with the milk teeth starting to come out and the measures taken afterwards.

Wire treatment in crooked teeth

Tooth crowding is a condition that can be corrected in approximately 1 – 1.5 years with orthodontic wire treatment. These time intervals may vary according to the condition of the teeth and the patient. Today, orthodontic treatments are highly accepted and the application areas of orthodontic treatments have been developed and expanded with the advancement of technology. With invisible bracket and internal wire treatments in orthodontic treatments, perplexed dental treatments have been developed and brought to a more aesthetic position. You can have detailed information about these issues in our other articles.

At what ages is the crooked wire treatment applied?

Age is not a problem in the treatment of crooked teeth. This treatment can be applied regardless of the age of the patient. In treatments performed at an early age, the stages are shorter and better results are obtained.

Are there any invisible braces in crooked dental treatments?

Yeah. It is one of the most preferred crooked dental treatments in recent years. There are dental braces that are passed behind the teeth and are not visible from the outside, and there are treatment applications with removable and removable appliances.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental and facial disorders. This specialty offers solutions for people with malocclusion. Orthodontic treatment generally includes the use of corrective tools such as brackets. The use of these corrective tools is as follows:

Straightening teethCorrecting closure disordersCovering gaps Aligning teeth and lips properly.

Orthodontic treatment helps the teeth to be in the correct positions by helping the jaw development in young children, and correcting the existing crowding and closing disorders in adults.

Closing Disorders
Many people may have disorders such as clenching, crowding, or irregular spaces in their teeth. Some disorders can cause aesthetic problems, as well as problems in speaking and chewing. Not all disorders are genetic. Other possible causes:

Trauma – If a tooth is damaged, falls out, and is later replaced, it can fuse to the surrounding bone. This condition is called “ankylosis,” or abnormal union of the root to the bone. If this happens to a growing child, since the teeth will not be properly aligned, it may cause biting disorders in the future. Finger sucking and nipple use – These habits can create closing disorders such as the upper teeth getting in front of the lower teeth.


Early loss of baby teeth – if baby teeth fall out early, they can slide into the mouth as there is nothing to locate permanent teeth. In some cases, permanent teeth can become stuck and only part of them comes out. Sometimes, the permanent tooth can move in place of the falling milk tooth next to it and prevent the other teeth to come out.


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